What Kinds of Tools Might You Keep in Your Stress Relief Toolkit as a Caregiver?

A stress relief toolkit may be a physical set of tools or it might just be a list of what you can do when you’re feeling stressed. Here are some ideas to help you get started.

Relaxing Herbal Teas

Herbal teas usually don’t contain any caffeine and give you the added benefit of combining a soothing taste with a warm, soothing smell. Try a few blends to see which ones you like the most and then stock up on them. When you need a break, sip a cup of your favorite herbal tea.

Your Favorite Music

Maybe you only have a few minutes to relax, so you pop in a CD or playlist made up of your favorite music. Whether you relax to classical or 80’s dance music, it doesn’t matter. Listening to sounds you love will help you to immediately feel a little bit better.

Favorite Books

When you really have time to relax a bit, your favorite books can be as soothing as hot cocoa. If you want your favorite reading to be portable, consider using an electronic reader or tablet. That way every book is easy to carry around with you.

Art Supplies

Whether you feel as if you’re a terrible artist or not, there’s something artistic that you enjoy. Maybe that’s a particular craft or perhaps you love to color. Regardless, make sure that you keep supplies on hand for the artistic endeavors of your choice. That way you can dive in whenever you have a spare few minutes.

Bath Salts and Bubbles

If soaking in a tub is your thing, stock up on bath essentials. Bath salts, bubble bath, and scented soaps can all make the experience much more enjoyable. If you love a bath before bed, consider using bath items that contain ingredients such as chamomile or lavender that can help you to get to sleep.

Sleep Masks

Those afternoon naps are a lot easier to get when you aren’t disturbed by sunlight. Unless you use blackout curtains in your bedroom, you might not be able to get your bedroom as dark as it needs to be for a good afternoon nap when you get a chance. That’s where a good sleep mask is worth its weight in gold.

Home Care Providers

One of the best stress tools you can implement might be home care providers. They can take over for you when you need or want to be elsewhere for a little while. When you come back, you’ll be in a better frame of mind for the challenges of caregiving.

Everyone’s idea of stress relief is different, of course. Sit down and make a list of the different activities that help you to feel less stressed. Figure out how to make those activities more accessible for you when you’re in need of help with your stress levels.

If you are considering home care in Roanoke, VA for an aging loved one, please talk to the caring staff at Acti-Kare of Blue Ridge. Call 888-451-5273. Our office provides senior care and home care services in the following locations including Blue Ridge, Lynchburg, Salem, Roanoke, Smith Mountain Lake, and Bedford in Virginia.
