Talking to Your Parent About Them Moving Out of Their Home

Making decisions is one of the basic elements of being a family caregiver, and sometimes these decisions are sensitive and challenging for your aging parent. One such decision is when it might be time for your parent to move out of their home. Approaching these decisions with love, care, and preparation gives you more confidence you are making the choice that is truly right for them, and can make the process of following through with that decision smoother for both of you. When making this decision and preparing to follow through with it, one of the most important things you can do is talk to your parent. This involves them in the decision-making process and lets you start working through emotions that arise together.

Use these tips to help you talk to your parent about them moving out of their home:

  • Prepare yourself ahead of time with the points you want to make so you don’t get overwhelmed or distracted during the conversation. It is important for you to be able to clearly and effectively express why you think now may be the right time for them to leave their home
  • Be willing to listen to your parent. Even if you think you have made your mind up firmly before the conversation, give them the time and space to fully express themselves and their perspective of the situation. Remember, this is their life, and while you are a valuable and integral part of it, all decisions should be for the purpose of improving and maintaining their quality of life
  • Ask them if they have noticed any difficulties or challenges that might support your assertion that it is time for them to move out. By coming to these conclusions themselves, they may feel more comfortable with the idea and the changes to come
  • Talk about the potential for alternatives. If the need for them to move is not pressing, such as because of an emergency situation, consider being open to alternative ways to manage challenges. This might include making modifications to the home or starting home care
  • Be open to your parent’s emotions and willing to share your emotions as well. Seeing you vulnerable and willing to talk about how hard this is can help your parent to understand that even if this is emotionally trying, it may still be the best choice

Though it may seem strange, starting home care for your parent can be one of the best ways to help them maintain a strong sense of independence and autonomy as they age. Many elderly adults struggle with feeling as though their adult children are micromanaging their lives, or like they have to always rely completely on these caregivers to fulfill needs like running errands or engaging in recreational or social activities. With an in-home senior care services provider, however, your parent can take on their life on their own schedule. They no longer always have to work around your other tasks when scheduling appointments, going to the grocery store, or finding a club or activity to participate in. Safe and reliable transportation means your parent can live the life they want while you continue to ensure they have what they need to stay safe and healthy as they age in place.

If you are considering home care in Moneta, VA for an aging loved one, please talk to the caring staff at Acti-Kare of Blue Ridge. Call 888-451-5273. Our office provides senior care and home care services in the following locations including Blue Ridge, Lynchburg, Salem, Roanoke, Smith Mountain Lake, and Bedford in Virginia.
