Is Your Dad’s Hearing Going? How Do You Address It With Him?

Around 37.5 million adults in the U.S. suffer hearing loss. The majority of that loss happens after the age of 60. It’s estimated that 50 percent of men and women 75 or older have significant hearing loss that impacts their daily life.

When hearing loss is a factor, hearing aids can help. The cost of hearing aids can be significant and isn’t always covered by insurance. If you’re concerned your dad’s hearing is going, get ready to have a conversation and see what your options are.

What Are the Biggest Indicators of Hearing Loss?

Age-related hearing loss impacts a senior citizen’s life. It can be risky to drive as your parent may not hear common warning signs like a train whistle, a car horn, or the sirens on emergency vehicles. In the home, hearing loss may make it hard to hear the doorbell, the phone, or a smoke alarm. To know if your dad is having problems, ask him a few questions.

If he can’t hear people clearly and shies away from having conversations or meeting others, that can be a factor that his hearing is affected. If he turns up the TV volume to levels that others say are too loud, hearing loss is possible. If he can’t hear dialogue in a movie theater or dinner conversations, he’s likely dealing with hearing loss.

Three Ways to Address It

When you’re convinced your dad is dealing with hearing loss, there are three ways you can address it as a family.

#1 – Do an Online Test – There are online hearing tests you can load on a computer or cellphone. Do these tests together so that your dad doesn’t feel left out. If the results indicate there could be a problem, ask him to go to the doctor and offer to join him so that he doesn’t have to be alone.

#2 – Talk to a Doctor – Your dad may be willing to address hearing loss with his doctor at his yearly check-up. See if he would and ask if you can go with him. The doctor can do an initial assessment and refer him to a specialist if there are concerns.

#3 – Ask a Friend or Trusted Church Authority to Discuss It – Your dad may not want to talk about hearing loss with you, but he might with one of his best friends or a church authority. Use that route if you’re having a hard time convincing him to get a hearing test.

Once you have answers, you’ll know if your dad is ready to have some help around the home, too. If he can’t pay for a hearing aid, you can make sure he has help around the home. Caregivers can help him by answering the phone or doorbell, driving him to appointments or local businesses, and be there for companionship. Call a home care agency to talk about caregivers and pricing.


If you are considering caregivers in Salem, VA for an aging loved one, please talk to the caring staff at Acti-Kare of Blue Ridge. Call 888-451-5273. Our office provides senior care and home care services in the following locations including Blue Ridge, Lynchburg, Salem, Roanoke, Smith Mountain Lake, and Bedford in Virginia.
