Franchise Spotlight | Doug Boyce, Acti-Kare of Libertyville, IL

Doug Boyce

Providing Care Services for Acti-Kare of Libertyville, IL

Q: What is the most rewarding part of owning a franchise?

I really value the opportunity to shape the culture of my own company. It allows me to interject my values for family and caring when I hire caregivers and serve my clients. And it allows me to grow my company into a valuable legacy to leave my two sons who will hopefully carry on a proud history of taking care of those needing help.

Q: What were some of the biggest challenges in developing your franchise? How were you able to overcome or solve them?

First, developing consistent leads from facilities. PATIENCE is the challenge. I feel like I’m starting to make some progress finally after a full year. Volunteering in some of these facilities is helping.

Second, proper time management. At first, it’s easier…Not much to do other than get out every morning and visit places and create marketing and networking opportunities. Once you start getting a couple of clients, it’s harder to get out as much, with added responsibilities of hiring and training caregivers, payroll, inspecting, scheduling, reporting results, etc. I need one more growth spurt so that I can hire my first administrative person to assist in the backroom processes that will allow me to get out to the field every day again.

Q: What is something you focus on to make your business thrive?

EASY. Being told that I have changed the lives of the client and their family. Providing care, safety, respite help for the family and for all involved is a wonderful feeling.

Q: What makes you excited about the future?

In addition to working in a field that is growing exponentially, providing a service that actually helps improve people’s lives is so rewarding for me. And with the announcement that Health Care Companies will soon be offering additions to Medicare Advantage that will offer an option available for people to choose Home Care as part of the benefits they can receive, this should help grow our business faster and easier.




  • I began by visiting each and every facility I could over the first 3 or 4 months. Looking back, I should have concentrated on 20 or so, and then looped back around regularly to the few that showed the most promise. Instead of a shotgun approach, I should have concentrated on just a few. Done volunteer work and/or done some shared marketing with them.

  • I spent a few hours researching one of my initial cases although everyone I talked to advised me that it probably wouldn’t happen. It involved a Supplemental Coverage on a MEDICARE Health Policy that no one (even most of the people at the Insurance Company) didn’t understand. Eventually, I got to someone that could help me. It turned into a 28-hour, $840 per week case that is paid for by the Insurance Company and is continuing into its 13th month. Don’t quit!

    – Doug Boyce, Area Director | Acti-Kare of Libertyville, IL

    Category: Acti-Kare


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