Acti-Kare’s greatest priority is the health and safety of our clients and caregivers. Acti-Kare’s leadership is actively monitoring the COVID-19 situation to ensure that we have the most accurate and up to date information. As you are aware this situation is fluid, so changes are happening rapidly and because of this we will adjust our protocols as needed.

As part of our standard operating procedures, Acti-Kare caregivers receive communicable disease training and will follow CDC guidelines for preventing the spread of illness. We strive to maintain the health and safety of our clients and caregivers through communication and monitoring symptoms. Our response plan is based on recommendations from the Centers for Disease Control.

Acti-Kare caregivers have stepped up their everyday workload by helping the elderly comprehend and practice social distancing. Our Caregivers are also helping clients reduce distress, boredom, and isolation for older adults during the coronavirus pandemic. Some of the techniques they are employing include:

Maintaining a routine

COVID-19 has altered the way many people go about their day. Drastic changes to daily routines may upset some older adults, particularly if they are living with Alzheimer’s of Dementia. Predictable visits from an in-home caregiver can help seniors feel safe and comforted. Caregivers also help maintain familiar routines as much as possible and ease the process of adapting to sudden necessary changes.

Helping seniors to communicate with loved ones

Acti-Kare caregivers are helping seniors find methods to communicate with their loved ones through telecommunication and video conferencing.

Giving serenity to families

Visits from caregivers also provide peace of mind for families who are separated from seniors due to social distancing.

Notifying family members

Acti-Kare keeps an open line of communication with an elderly loved one’s point-of-contact and provides frequent updates. Caregivers continually check and monitor for signs and symptoms of COVID-19. If caregivers observe any disturbing symptoms, they will immediately alert the local Acti-Kare agency owner as well as family members.

Acti-Kare Steps For Prevention For Caregivers:

In addition to the standard COVID-19 prevention recommendation, home care workers should take the following pre-cautions:

  •  Become familiar with COVID-19, and stay up to date on the virus through your local health department.
  • Wear personal protective equipment and learn how to properly optimize its use with use with tips from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).
  • Following each shift, immediately remove work clothing and wash thoroughly with hot water.
  • Avoid touching your eyes, nose or mouth.
  • Clean and disinfect all touched surfaces and objects frequently using a regular household cleaning spray or wipes
  • Practice universal caution
  • Avoid touching public surfaces with your hands whenever possible, including such things as doorknobs, elevator buttons, restroom surfaces, restaurant menus and tables, public computer keyboards, etc.
  •  Monitor personal health for coronavirus symptoms (new onset of fever, cough, shortness of breath or sore throat)
  • Wash their hands often with soap and water frequently, for at least 20 seconds with Hot water.
  • Cover your cough or sneeze with a tissue, then throw the tissue in the trash.
Category: Acti-Kare


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