Caregiver Spotlight | Barbara Caudill, Acti-Kare of Piedmont, VA

Barbara Caudill

Providing Exemplary Service for Acti-Kare of Piedmont, VA

Barbara Caudill has provided exemplary service for Acti-Kare of Piedmont, VA for 2 years.

Barbara is devoted to her local church, and active in numerous volunteer activities when she’s not delivering exceptional care for her clients… and she is only 71 years young!

She also loves to spend free time with her grandchildren, and Barbara is an accomplished baker and noted maker of awesome food by her friends and family.

Barbara Caudill is a picture perfect example of Acti-Kare’s quality caregivers, and we want to thank her for her service with this caregiver spotlight.

Nominated by Steve Jewell, Area Director of Acti-Kare of Piedmont, VA

Category: Acti-Kare


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