Discover how Acti-Kare can address your concerns about coronavirus near Orange County, CA.

Coronavirus Update from Lori Renaud

Coronavirus Update from Lori Renaud – Registered Nurse at Acti-Kare of South Orange County.

Acti-Kare of South Orange County provides care to the most vulnerable population near Orange County, CA. We want to assure you that we are taking every safety precaution to keep our clients and our employees safe by following recommendations from the CDC.

Here’s How We Can Help You

If you are concerned about the wellbeing of a friend, family member or loved one during this time, please give us a call. Lori Renaud – the owner of Acti-Kare of South Orange County and a Registered Nurse – will come out and perform a free nursing assessment to help make a determination if your loved one should seek immediate medical care.

We all know that staying at home is the best option and we can help provide care at home, too.

Contact Acti-Kare of South Orange County.

Who do you know who could benefit from a wellness check or in home care? Contact us about home care services or a wellness check. We’re here to help.

Category: Acti-Kare