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What to do When a Senior Falls

If you have a senior in your life, one of the scariest situations – hypothetical or real – is if they fall. Sadly, falling is all too real for many seniors in senior care, but knowing what to do and following a proper procedure can potentially save their life!

Read below to learn about the crucial steps you need to take if your senior falls.

Stay Calm

We understand that both seeing your senior fall or discovering your senior after a fall is a huge shock. But it is so important that you stay calm in theis situation to ensure you get them the proper help and senior care they need! Take a few deep breaths and gather your thoughts. Remaining calm will help you to think more clearly and take the next steps, which may be critical to your senior’s life.

Are They Conscious?

Now that you’re calm and alert, find out if your senior is conscious or unconscious to help you determine what to do next.

If No:

If your senior appears to be unconscious or unresponsive, stop what you are doing and call 9-1-1 immediately! After you have called, keep your senior as still as possible and begin to check their vitals (respiration, pulse, skin coloration, etc.) and for any signs of bleeding or obvious injuries.

If Yes:

Start by calmly asking them how they feel – Are they in pain? How bad is the pain? Where is the pain located? Next, and based on their answers to these questions, examine them injuries like bruising, bleeding, or any possible sprains or broken bones. Depending on how badly your senior is injured, begin to apply first aid and call 9-1-1. Remember to keep calm, not only for you but also your senior! Offer reassurance and use soothing and comforting words.

Do NOT Move Them

While you may be tempted to immediately go to your senior and help them up, DON’T! You should avoid moving them right because doing so can sometimes make the situation worse. Until the extent of your senior’s possible injury is identified, they should be left in theeir current position until help arrives.

Once your senior receives the help they need after a fall, the next stage for them is recovery care. If you are looking to explore recovery care or senior care options, ActiKare is ready to help you discover a plan that works for you and the whole family. Please feel free to reach out to us for a consultation.

Category: Acti-Kare