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Our guide to planning for your future senior care needs.

Planning for Senior Care: A Three-Part Guide

When comes to mind when you’re thinking about yourself? What about your parents? Your grandparents? Often times, you’re not thinking about the planning process for senior care. But we’re urging you to begin theinking about it now! Whether it’s for yourself or a loved one, planning for senior care now will save you tons of stress and money later on down the road.

Below, we’ve created a 3-part guide for you to begin thee planning process for senior care. We’ll be discussing the logistics when it comes to finances, legal work, and the types of senior care – All crucial components you’ll need to consider for planning.

Part 1: Financial Planning

First up, let’s talk finance. This isn’t just planning for retirement… Planning for senior care should be considered totally separate. On average, the cost of home care per year (at 44+ hours/week) is $44,616.00. But don’t let that number scare you! This is why planning is important. Sure, you can begin saving money now. But you should also be looking into the various government assistance and long-term insurance programs that are available to you. Some examples you should be researching include Medicare, Medicaid, and VA programs.

Part 2: Legal Planning

Next, you’re going to want to get your legal ducks all in a row. This is such an important part of planning because no matter what happens, legal matters will arise! We recommend sitting down with an Elder Law Attorney to map out the following legal documents and protections:

Living Will and Will. A Living Will is intended to spell out your healthcare wishes to both physicians and family, meaning no one else can decide how your healthcare is administered. A Will determines how you want both your estate and possessions distributed after death.

Power of Attorney. In the event that you are unable to speak for yourself and become incapacitated, appointing a Power of Attorney allows another person to make financial and healthcare decisions on your behalf. 

Part 3: Senior Care Options

Last but not least, the different types of senior care options. When it comes to your senior care… What exactly do you want? Do you want to remain in your home? Do you want to go to an assisted living facility? Do you want to live in a nursing home? Start by answering this key question, and then begin your research into agencies, like ActiKare, who offer these senior care services. This research, while you don’t need to take an action right away, is an important part of planning so you can have a clear idea of your desired senior care in mind when the time comes.

Contact Us!

If you would like further help in pre-planning for senior care for either yourself or a loved one, call ActiKare to schedule your consultation! We are here to help you.

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