Our guide for family members to help a senior loved one prepare for a surgical procedure near Orange County, CA

Helping Your Senior Loved One Prepare for Surgery


Is your loved one in senior care getting ready to undergo a surgical procedure?

If you’re worried about how to help them best prepare, ActiKare has some tips for you. Surgeries are often complex and can be stressful to plan for, but with our advice below, you can help your senior relax and feel ready to take on any operation. 

Know the Team

How well do you know your senior’s care team?

Become familiar with their doctors, specialists, and surgeons so that you’re comfortable asking questions and being a part of the decision-making process. This senior care team will also be the ones to keep you informed throughout the entire process.

Ask Questions and Know What to Expect

Surgical procedures can many times be complicated and bring about plenty of questions. You can start by making a list of any questions that you have so you can be prepared and know what to expect before, during, and after the surgery.

Some common questions may include the following:

  • Where will the surgery take place?
  • How long will the operation take?
  • Can I speak with the anesthesiologist to learn more?
  • Will my senior be in pain after the procedure?
  • How long will the healing process take?

 Plan on having as many conversations with your senior’s physicians as are necessary for you to feel knowledgeable about the surgery. If you are calm and know what’s going on, then your senior is going to feel more at ease, too. 

Be Supportive

If you find that your senior is feeling overwhelmed or anxious about the surgery coming up, make sure you are letting them know often that you are there for comfort and support.

You may also consider asking other family and friends to reach out to your senior and letting them know they care. During your senior’s recovery period, this network of friends and family can work wonders for your senior’s mood and physical healing. 

For further advice on helping your senior loved one get prepped for surgery, we’re here to help and answer any questions. Feel free to call ActiKare today to schedule a consultation! 

Category: Acti-Kare